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How to Measure Pupillary Distance (PD)

How to Measure Pupillary Distance (PD)

Pupillary Distance (PD) is the distance between the centers of the pupils of your eyes. It is an important measurement when it comes to eyeglasses, as it ensures that the lenses are properly aligned with your eyes. While PD can be measured by an optometrist or an optical dispenser, there are also several ways to measure your PD online. In this article, we will discuss how to measure your PD online.

Method 1: Using a ruler

One of the simplest ways to measure your PD online is to use a ruler. To do this, you will need a ruler with millimeter markings and a mirror. Here are the steps:

  1. Hold the ruler against your forehead with the 0mm mark centered on the bridge of your nose.
  2. Look straight ahead into the mirror.
  3. Close your right eye and align the ruler's zero mark with the center of your left pupil.
  4. Without moving the ruler, open your right eye and close your left eye.
  5. Read the millimeter mark on the ruler that lines up with the center of your right pupil.
  6. This measurement is your PD.

how to measure pd, how to measure pupillary distance, eyeglasses, prescription eyeglasses


Method 2: Using a mobile app

There are also several mobile apps that can measure your PD using your device's camera. Here's how to use one of these apps:

  1. Download a PD measurement app, such as Pupil Distance Meter.
  2. Follow the instructions to allow the app to access your camera.
  3. Hold a credit card or another object with a known measurement (such as a driver's license) against your forehead.
  4. Look straight ahead into the camera, and the app will guide you through the process of taking a photo.
  5. The app will use the photo to measure your PD.

 how to measure PD, how to measure pupillary distance, eyeglasses, vision 770, vision770

In conclusion, there are several ways to measure your PD online, including using a ruler, an online PD measurement tool, or a mobile app. While these methods can be useful, it's important to note that they may not be as accurate as a measurement taken by an optometrist or optical dispenser. If you're unsure about your PD measurement or are experiencing any vision problems, it's always best to consult with an eye care professional.